Information Technology (IT)
Information technologies are an integral part of the company's activity; they make it possible to record operational flows, create documents, and communicate. Information technologies are no longer merely a support tool for operations; they have become an instrument for managing and guiding a business. Similarly, software applications are not longer solely chosen to serve a specific IT function; they now constitute elements that generate value for both the company and its clients.
The digital stakes
Achieving digitalisation has become a vital step for companies. It involves profound changes in the work processes, supported by technology. In this way, technology must therefore support all operations and contribute to the proper functioning of the company's main activities in a support and management logic. Added to this is the cross-functional use of IT on a daily basis, either in its office dimension or as part of the various stages relating to project management within the company.
Thus information technologies deal with a range of tasks connected with information systems (development and integration, operation and maintenance) and systems for data security, management and exploitation.
Our programmes leading to a diploma, our certifying paths and our recommended training courses for specific professional profiles make it possible to structure a professional development plan. To allow more freedom of progression in your development plan, individual training courses may be selected from the recommendations and topics. This will enable you to choose more personalised training courses so that you can further develop certain key skills necessary for your professional activity.